In order to maintain quality, we order our green coffee directly after the beans are harvested. We also order coffee from micro-lots. Sometimes this means that we will run out of our coffee options and will have to wait for the next harvest to get a fresh lot in. If we have run out of any of your favourite coffees, we recommend you try the suggestion below:

Coffee                  :  Suggested Replacement 

Nachammai Estate           :    Vethilaikodaikanal Estate

Yellikodige  Organic         :   M S Estate Organic

M S Estate French Roast  :   French Roast

Nullore Estate                    :   Bynemara Estate

Birthday Blend                   :   Kalledeverapura Pulp Sun Dried

Karadykan Vienna Roast  :   Vienna Roast

Gowri Estate                      :  Bynemara Estate

BIBI  Peaberry                   :  Microlot - Thogarihunkal Estate

Bibi Plantataion AAA         :  THOGARIHUNKAL ESTATE